Thursday, July 2, 2015

DIVIDED WE FALL. ... 4th of July reflection.

These are most troubling times as we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday.
There is and has been civil unrest on nearly every corner of America. Inwardly and in-your-face unrest.
Burn this. Burn that. Ban this. Ban that.
March this. March that. Protest this. Protest that.
Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Bianchi called for all NASCAR tracks to ban Confederate flags at their races, starting with this week’s Coke Zero 400 in Daytona Beach.
Granted, the Confederate flag has different meanings to different races. It offends many African-Americans who view it as honoring slavery that started the bloodiest war in our history. It was Americans killing Americans. Many of the white race view it as part of their country’s history. And history tells us that war protects no race. White blood. Black blood. Brown blood etc. War has no conscience.
I went out a few days ago to run some errands in town. I saw numbers of mostly young drivers in their pickup trucks riding up and down the Highway flying their Confederate flags with many bystanders cheering them on.
At least one protest was planned in New York to burn another flag. The American flag. It used to unite our country. Now it divides it. Politicians all the way to the White House do little to attempt to bring all people together.
It brings tears to veterans’ eyes to see anyone burn the American flag. It is one that is supposed to symbolize freedom, something that they fought for on foreign soil. It is what too many men and women gave their life for.
Today’s veterans return home to face a divided country, pure and simple. If you dare cross that politically correct line, you are chastised by many, cheered by others who dare support you when you go public.
We attempt to use sporting events as one of the last places one can attend without having to clear the way through protesters.
Protesters add burning and looting ingredients to the recipe. One week they hate the cops. But when they need the cops to save their lives, they praise them.
You can’t have it both ways. Yes, there are bad cops, as there is in just about every job that requires enforcement of our laws. The good far outweighs the bad apples, but those who are encouraged to protest are broad-brushed by the mobs.
Radical foreign groups such as ISIS are already here. As their numbers grow, there will be death and strife on our soil. You better believe it. They don’t care and they are recruiting young Americans and other foreigners to fight with them.
The Supreme Court gave the green light for the country to accept gay marriages. That night, the White House was bathed in spotlights in the colors of gay pride to celebrate the cause. That bothers many,  but is gay pride REALLY a reason  to not live and let live, Love thy neighbor whether they be straight, gay, black or white?
ISIS treats homosexuality only in one way. They cut your head off. I predict we will see that more, rather than just on TV filmed in foreign lands. They will bring their justice to our front yards. I imagine even if the victims were gay,  this will STILL surely enrage all of us.  As those victims will still be our fellow Americans.  
Many Americans use sporting events to escape what is going on in our country. They provide temporary relief to all the noise we are subjected to on a daily basis. TV provides acts of ugly Americans on a nightly basis. They have ample stories to choose from. That supply is endless.
I challenge everyone that reads this to get involved in finding an answer before it’s too late. All great empires and countries fall from within.
Is this what we want? Or will we go on grilling our hamburgers, drinking our adult beverages and pretend this country isn’t crumbling in front of us as we do nothing to save it? We have taken God out of just about everything.
There will be a heavy price to pay