"My cup overflows". In the Bible, an overflowing cup, is a symbol for total satisfaction. It means, "I've got everything I need.." In the Middle East, it's mostly desert. When some one gives you a cup that is overflowing, it means they're wasting something -- water or wine. You don't waste water or wine in the desert unless you've got more than you need.
Overflow with what?
- With Hope
Romans 15:13 "God will help you overflow
w with hope in him through the Holy Spirit's power within you."
You never run out of hope because you know He's never going to let you down. - With Love
"May the Lord make your love to grow and overflow." I Thes. 3:12 - With Joy
"Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow." John 16:24
When God says to you, "I'm going to fill your cup to overflowing" it means you matter to God and you're special to Him, he loves you. If you're hurting because somebody has hurt you badly, Jesus invites you to a banquet. He says "I'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. I'll anoint your head with oil. Your cup will overflow." He will settle the score, sooth your wounds, satisfy every one of your needs. It's a banquet of wholeness, help, and salvation.
Filling your cup.... how do we do this?
This is a very simple graphic, not at all meant to be thorough or all-inclusive. Let the Holy Spirit show you all the areas in your life that need addressing. I'm sure He wants to! For now, we're just going to hit a few so you can see how this works. If you're not hearing very well from God on what might be unsubmitted, just ask someone close to you – I'm sure they'll tell you the parts that don't look like Jesus. Spouses are good for that! If we had lots of people in the churches with the gift of discernment of spirits, you could go to one of them and ask them what's messing with you and they could just tell you and help get it off. If you know somebody like that, by all means, get them in on this. But don't take ANYBODY'S word for anything. Check everything with God. Even if you can't normally hear God very well, I'm just SURE He wants to talk to you about THIS stuff! So you should be expecting that, as it relates to areas of your life that are unsubmitted, you're going to hear Him really well. I suspect He's been waiting so long for you to ask Him what the problem is that as soon as you ask you're going to get LOTS of feedback. It may not be an audible thing, but somebody or some situation or a cloud or a little kid or a song on the radio or SOMETHING
is going to be used to get through to you and show you the problem. Just EXPECT an answer and listen for it. :)
ok ok!! So God will not be dropping a sign this obvious, but sometimes it is just right in front of your face and you miss the point!!
We are all jars of clay, vessels to hold His glory, cups of one sort or another. We are humble earthen vessels that are flawed and cracked in many ways and yet He pours His glory into us. We become the temple of His Spirit and He lives in us! Isn't that cool!! Anyway, it's important first to understand that the Word commands us repeatedly to "be filled with the Spirit" and in
the tense it uses it means "to be being filled" - a constant in-filling, a constant effort to keep our cups topped off.
There are basically these options:
• You have NO JESUS.
• You have some JESUS and lots of SIN.
• You have more JESUS and a little SIN.
• You're all shook up by the World and “life” and can't figure out what's what.
• You're washed clean, but there's too much YOU.
• JESUS has humbled off lots of YOU so He can increase and YOU can decrease.
• You've been a good steward, so He gave you a bigger cup and lots more JESUS.
And it's not a one-time thing. He's our Daily Bread, so you can move from one to the other fairly fluidly, even in the midst of one day. It's not a one-time thing just cause you went down the aisle and got "filled with the Spirit" one day. If you're not constantly STAYING FULL then you're going to drain off - or get lukewarm and stale. Over and over we're commanded to be full and to stay full – or to “be being filled”.* And there's no point at which you shouldn't be striving for a bigger cup. We need Him in increasing measure every day to keep from being ineffective and
unproductive (II Peter 1:8). You get a bigger cup by pouring yourself out on those in need, then getting refilled again. * (Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Colossians 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard [it], do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; Ephesians 5:8 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Philippians 1:11 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.)
The Greek word used repeatedly for “filled” is “pleroo” (Strong's #4137). Here is Strong's definition of it: 1) to make full, to fill up, i.e. to fill to the full a) to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally 1) I abound, I am liberally supplied 2) to render full, i.e. to complete a) to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim b) to consummate: a number 1) to make complete in every particular, to render perfect 2) to carry through to the and, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking) c) to carry into effect, bring to realization, realize 1) of matters of duty: to perform, execute 2) of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish 3) to fulfil, i.e. to cause God's will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and God's promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfillment
The point is, Jesus wants us FULL and He knows that only HE can do it. We're all going to be full of SOMETHING. If our bodies are the temple of God and He lives in us, do you really want Him sharing space with that icky stuff? Shouldn't you be purified and cleansed of all unrighteousness so that He can reign supreme? It says “the prayers of a righteous man availeth much” - so I guess the prayers of a kind-of righteous man availeth practically nothing. Why is HE going to listen to YOU when you ask for something, when YOU won't listen to HIM about getting the red stuff out (and the stinky yellow stuff)? Proverbs 25:26 says: “Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.” That sounds to me like a cup that should be clean, but isn't. Areas of direct disobedience or unresolved pain result in a draining off of that with which we are filled. Sometimes we have a really hard time keeping our cup full because we have a big crack in our cup caused by an unforgiveness or a bitterness or a fundamental character flaw, and so we drain out almost as soon as we get filled. Sometimes we can't ever get all the way full because of the goo we refuse to clean out that's taking up too much space in our cup. Really entrenched red stuff keeps us from being able to be filled to capacity. Sometimes there are physical oppressions and sicknesses that have resulted from spiritual problems. These, too, need addressing through the power of Jesus. More on all that later. So, as it relates to the Body, let's start with this:
Is God telling you to do something with FOOD other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with DRINK other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with WORK other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with MONEY other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with SEX other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with TIME other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Is God telling you to do something with your TONGUE other than what you are doing? If yes, why won't you obey?
Get the idea? Odds are pretty good that if the Holy Spirit is convicting you of something and you're not obeying, it's because you've given the enemy room in your heart or because your own soulish nature just wants to rebel. Either way, it's not really giving ALL and you need to do something about it. Stop thinking that He's just going to overlook it and cut you some slack. He REALLY doesn't like being in there with that stuff and He's a really big God. More fear of the Lord would be good. You might want to pray for that. Crying is good, too. If the Holy Spirit is NOT convicting you of any of that stuff, then either you are not listening and you've got a giant pride problem blocking your hearing OR the Holy Spirit has already wielded you into submission on all those levels. I've met both kinds. Just in case, now would be a good time to pray sincerely and ask the Lord to show you ANYTHING that displeases Him or any area of rebellion as it relates to your Body.
OK, OK!! You caught me, so what do I do about it? That is always the rhetorical question.
Well, the first thing is to tell God you're really sorry. That would be good. He's been waiting a long time to hear that. And if you've been saying it before, but then going back like a dog to his own flea ridden bed, then He's probably not going to take your apology very seriously until you start sticking by your commitments to Him. If you've tried to turn away from stuff and haven't been able to, it's probably because you're doing too much of the fighting in your own power - because you've tried to force obedience with the YOU in your cup. That just puts more and more pressure on you and more and more guilt when you fall. Jesus lives inside of you and HE is not addicted to cigarettes or donuts or porn or work or anything. He has faced down every failing of Man and beaten it. If you will get out of the way and let HIM fight your battles, it will be much easier. Much. You need to be clear that SIN means missing the mark. Whether it's murder or disbelief, it's sin and it keeps you from walking in the FULLNESS of Christ. You will not reach your maximum potential in Him if you remain unsubmitted in some areas – ANY areas. Jesus said, if you LOVE Him, you will OBEY Him. If you're not obeying Him 100%, then you must not love Him 100%. And 90% isn't going to cut it! He wants ALL – and ALL means ALL. "But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!" (Rev 3:16)
Let's try this same process again: Is God telling you to do something with the chains that bind you? with ANGER , If yes, why won't you obey? What about Guilt, Lust, Control, Fear, Money, Pride, Jealousy, Lying, Disbelief, Self-pity, Power, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Gluttony, Idolatry, Rebellion or others? Got any of those chains keeping you bound to slavery?
Simplified substantially, the soul is the mind - our emotions, our mental state, our rationalizations and reactions internally to the world around us. It is what makes us distinctly us. This, too, needs to be brought fully into submission with God. In a sense, you could see it like this: (I am not one to sugar coat things)
No physical trial you will ever go through - not climbing Mount Everest in winter, not sawing your own arm off with a pocket knife, not doing a marathon on your knees - will EVER be as hard as getting your tongue and your mind wielded into submission. THAT is the great battle in our lives and the difficulty is evidenced by how really rare it is to find someone that has accomplished any substantial measure of success in that! In fact, I'm convinced the only way to do it effectively is to just let Jesus do it. We can all fake it for awhile in our own power, but all we've done is suppress it. Only Jesus can terminate it once and for all. In fact, it's not possible to walk in holiness at all without the Holy Spirit doing it. You can't use the yellow stuff to beat down the yellow stuff. (see pictures above) That just won't work. Jesus is our righteousness and He alone is worthy and holy and capable of making us like Him. We can't get to be like Jesus in our own power. We have to be clothed in Christ, we have to run into Him who is our strong tower. We have to be dead so that Christ in us can live. And not just a little dead either - ALL of those component pieces have to die.
He doesn't want to purge you of ALL the yellow stuff, that would eliminate you completely and He kind of likes parts of you. Once I asked Him what parts of me He wanted to keep and He said, “Basically everything from before about six years old.” (Just the age that the "World" grabbed me and started throwing it's junk at me). Just the faith like a child parts. That thing in David that made him fearlessly go out to face Goliath because he just KNEW His Dad was bigger and tougher than THAT guy's Dad! There's a lot more to be said, but you'll need to pray through this yourself and ask God to show you very clearly all the areas in which you are partially or completely unsubmitted. I know it's a prayer He wants you to pray, so I KNOW He will answer it and show you stuff. Then it's up to you to lay it down. I find that this kind of prayer helps a lot and gets nearly instant results - if you have the guts to pray it:
Dear Lord, I'm really sorry for all the sin that I should have never let in. I'm sorry for all the old stuff that I've let take root and boss me around. Please purge me of all unrighteousness right now through the power of Your Blood. I stand in faith, knowing that Your Blood is sufficient to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Please show me ANY area of my life that displeases You – anything that stands in the way between us and keeps me from being able to walk in the fulness of all that you have for me. Whatever it is, I don't care how much I like it, I don't care how long it's been there, I don't care how much it hurts, it's got to go RIGHT NOW in the Name of Jesus. So Lord, rip it, tear it, burn it, shred it, crucify it – whatever it takes. If I won't lay it down, rip it from my grasp. I don't care how much it hurts, I trust You. Do whatever it takes, but do it RIGHT NOW. I won't flinch and I won't try to hop out of Your refining fire when it comes. Dial the heat up. I'm going to stand. Give me the strength to stand. Please hold my hand. I'm going to really need You. Thanks, Lord. You're the best Dad ever and I trust You. Please burn it all off and don't stop no matter how much I whine. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Hear me – your growth in Christ is directly proportional to your willingness to seek out and embrace His refining fire. When He is pounding on you and life seems horrible, if you will go to Him and find out what He's trying to teach you, embrace it, learn from it and thank Him for it - then maybe you can move on. If you whine and complain and keep asking Him to turn down the flames because it's too hot, it shows a lack of trust that He knows what He's doing and it just slows down the whole process. How long is it going to take to cook a turkey in an oven set at 50 degrees? How long if it's set at 450? That's the difference between Christians in China and India and those in America. (We have our ovens set at 50 degrees and they have their's on full blast) Persecution dials up the heat really fast – and results in explosive growth in Christ (and a sifting of those who mean it and those who don't). So don't be such a sissy. Jump in the fire and learn to like it. Is He God or isn't He? Will He protect you or won't He? Are His promises good or aren't they? Buck up, ya big weenie. Go kill some yellow stuff.
OK, so we got the red stuff out (for today) and we begged Him to kill the yellow stuff. So you probably have a void in the top of your cup now. What are you going to do? If you leave it like that the enemy, who ranges to and fro like a hungry lion, will try to jump in there right away and mess with you again. You've got to get your cup full of Jesus and keep it that way. And not just full but to 100% full and to overflowing – up and over, mounded up on top. So do you know how? Well, you can read your Bible. You can listen to worship music. You can pray. You can just spend time at the feet of Jesus before the throne of God. Whatever is the best way you have found to drink in Jesus. But be careful that you're not DOING to get filled. That just means that you're trying to get more blue stuff by engaging the yellow stuff. That's a long uphill battle and can border on legalism. What it ends up doing is inviting in the red stuff again in the form of guilt, condemnation, self-righteousness, pride or some other nasty thing. Maybe there's a better way. What does the Word of God say about this? John 7:38 says: "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' "John 4:10 says: Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
Rev. 7:17 says: For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Here's a couple of Old Testament reference so you know God doesn't change:
Jeremiah 17:13: O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, [and] they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.
Jeremiah 2:13: For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, [and] hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. In that last one we see that they committed two evils, they didn't drink of the living waters and they had containers with cracks in them. (A cistern is just a really big cup.) In fact, they made their own cisterns to store up water because they didn't trust in God's unending supply from the fountain. And the result was they had neither – AND they made God mad!
It sure seems to me like those fountains of living water are the Holy Spirit. It says Jesus is the “Fountain in the House of David” (Zech 13:1) The Holy Spirit is that blue stuff that fills us and displaces all the other stuff. It would be great if He would just shove everything out of the way, but for some reason we're involved and we have to participate in the process – or at least be willing and ask Him to do it. This being true (I hope you agree), then we don't need to DO anything to fill our cup. We just have to believe that Jesus wants our cup full, that He promised that springs of living water would flow up from INSIDE of us and then just turn on the tap. We just need to ask Him to fill us in whatever way HE wants to fill us and teach us how to keep
it that way. Remember; trust the Lord your God with ALL your heart, lean NOT on your OWN understanding, but in ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your paths. (Prov. 3:5-6) I think our job as a church is to find those who are poor in spirit – those whose cups are running low – and share with them. Pour ourselves out into them so that they can be filled. Not with our yellow stuff! God forbid! But from the abundance of the riches that have been given to us that we would share – of or wealth, of our physical energy/strength/time AND of the fountain of living water that is inside of us. Haven't you ever been around somebody that, just being in the same room with them or getting a hug, made your spirit feel full? I bet they had a cup that was overflowing – or they deliberately and selflessly poured themselves out on you. They may not have known that's what they were doing or been able to explain it that way, they just knew that they had Joy and Peace and that you needed some, so they shared. The Lord gave me a vision once of how the church should operate and it looks like a pyramid of champagne glasses at a wedding reception where they pour in the top one and as it overflows, the glass below gets filled and overflows and so it continues all the way down. Those who have the biggest cup of Jesus should be constantly pouring themselves out onto others and teaching them how to keep it going. Shouldn't church be a filling station? How often do you go and leave feeling just as empty as when you got there? Some churches are really great filling stations and you can leave FULL of Jesus – but you can't make it past Monday afternoon without running out again. That's because we think we have to go to a building to get our cups full. The Word of God doesn't say anything like that. The Word of God says rivers of living water will flow up from INSIDE of US. We have an endless supply! And WE are supposed to be the filling station for those that don't know how to tap into it. It's not about the building or the pastor or nice music that gets us in the mood – every Christian has access to the river of God! Isn't that COOL!! So, stick a straw in and suck! Better yet, just dive in. I know this may sound weird, but it's all in the Bible. No question about it. If you don't believe me, read if for yourself.
We're supposed to perceive things in the spirit, not with our natural mind. This is NOT the “real” world – this is not our home. We are spiritual beings and we need to get a lot more familiar with what's happening in the spirit. That's where the war is and that's where our hope comes from.
I Corinthians 2:14 - But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Romans 8:6 - For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
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